If you’re applying for a Victorian government teaching or teaching aide position, in addition to your resume, you’ll need to supply responses to the key selection criteria.
Our key selection criteria examples for Victorian teacher or teacher aide roles will inspire you to write your own responses for roles with the Victorian Department of Education.
(These examples have been taken from our comprehensive, step-by-step guides for writing your teacher application or teacher aide application).
What Are the Key Selection Criteria for Teaching Victoria?
(These tend to be the same across all Victorian teaching jobs):
SC1. Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs.
SC2. Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth.
SC3. Demonstrated experience in monitoring and assessing student learning. Demonstrated experience in using data to inform teaching practice and providing feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents.
SC4. Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing and engagement.
SC5. Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching.
Key Selection Criteria Examples Teaching Victoria
Example 1 – SC1. Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs.
Note, this example is a brief sample taken from our guide.
With 15 years’ experience as an Educator, I have developed a comprehensive understanding of the Victorian Curriculum F-10, and what each student should learn in primary school and up to Year 10. I regularly review the current curriculum to inform lesson plans and reporting processes. I adjust lessons and modes of delivery when required to ensure all students are provided with the most effective, targeted learning opportunities. I understand literacy and numeracy skills are vital to so many aspects of our lives, and I ensure these are embedded in all lessons and learning experiences.
As a grade 3 teacher at Sample Primary School, I was instrumental in contributing to the review, redevelopment and implementation of the school’s English and Mathematics curriculum program. I provided review and feedback of whole-school benchmarking programs used including Essential Assessment, which provided individual curriculum levels, allowing for the development of goals from the areas students needed to improve on. I also provided input into the sequencing of key learning areas across each year of schooling, as well as individual content and standards for individual units. This was an extremely successful approach, with increased clarity around both assessment and learning content within the school.
I was able to implement the program effectively. For example, teaching writing to grade 3 students, I implemented lessons around developing an information report on the Great Barrier Reef (this topic, whilst aligning with curriculum standards, was of particular interest to my class, with several students having visited). I commenced the unit by offering students samples of information reports, identifying their features and genre. I was then able to introduce and explore topics on planning, composing, publishing and editing.
Following classroom lessons, whole-school assessments were again conducted and moderated. As a cohort, my class’s results were significantly above expectations compared to other classes, and individual students showed significant growth, emphasising the effectiveness of my teaching of the Victorian curriculum.
Note these key selection criteria examples are not full responses, but this is the type of information that should be included.
Instant DOWNLOAD Comprehensive Guide for Victorian Teachers
Would you like to access comprehensive key selection criteria examples for Victorian teachers?
Check out our comprehensive guide, inclusive of HEAPS of real examples for how you can address the criteria.
Developed in consultation with current Victorian teachers and decision-makers, these guides will empower you to write your Victorian teacher or teacher aide application with ease.
Our INSTANT DOWNLOAD Guide includes:
- Comprehensive written examples for each of the common criteria (including high impact teaching strategies key selection criteria and DET values key selection criteria)
- 19 STAR examples to help you formulate your own examples
- Length and formatting guidelines for your ENTIRE teacher application including your resume, cover letter AND selection criteria document
- A guide to how to structure your selection criteria document including what information to include in each paragraph
- A simple-to-use 3-step process for writing your own responses
- Worksheets to brainstorm examples
- Checklists to use before submitting your application
Victorian Teacher Aide Selection Criteria
SC1. Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others in respect to specific work functions relevant to the role.
SC2. Demonstrated capacity to work and collaborate with others in a team environment.
SC3. Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively in a team environment, including high level oral and written communication skills.
SC4. Possess the technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the position.
SC5. Demonstrated capacity to provide advice and support to management and other school staff in respect to the work area.
SC6. A commitment to professional learning and growth for both self and others.
Instant DOWNLOAD Comprehensive Guide for Victorian Teacher Aides
Note: this guide is proudly endorsed by Holmesglen Institute and is used as part of their Certificate IV in School-Based Education Support program.
Our INSTANT DOWNLOAD Guide Includes:
- Comprehensive written examples for EACH of the six common teacher aide criteria
- 26 STAR examples to help you formulate your own examples
- Length and formatting guidelines for your ENTIRE teacher aide application including your teacher aide resume, cover letter AND selection criteria document
- A guide to how to structure your selection criteria document including what information to include in each paragraph
- A simple-to-use 3-step process for writing your own responses
- Worksheets to brainstorm examples
- Checklists to use before submitting your application
Are you interested in teaching jobs in other states? We also have information on how to write WA teaching applications here.
Would you prefer we write your criteria for you? We are experts in working collaboratively with you to identify, explore and develop relevant examples from your career to meet the application guidelines.
We can write both Teacher and Teacher Aide selection criteria responses. Contact us for a quote.
We hope these selection criteria examples Teaching Victoria help you secure that Victorian teaching job.