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Teacher Aide Victoria Key Selection Criteria Responses Examples & Guide

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  • Fillable templates
  • FULL written examples in STAR format for ALL six common criteria
  • Step by step instructions

This guide is proudly endorsed by Holmesglen Institute of TAFE as part of their Certificate IV in School Based Education Support program.

Includes COMPLETE example responses in STAR format for ALL six common criteria:

SC1 Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others in respect to specific work functions relative to the role.

SC2 Demonstrated capacity to work and collaborate with others in a team environment.

SC3 Demonstrated capacity to communicate effectively in a team environment, including high level oral and written communication skills.

SC4 Possess the technical knowledge and expertise relevant to the position.

SC5 Demonstrated capacity to provide advice and support to management and other school staff in respect to the work area.

SC6 A commitment to professional learning and growth for both self and others.

Our key selection criteria responses examples for teacher aides in Victoria will help you understand exactly what to include in your own application.

What You’ll Get In Our Victorian Teacher Aide Selection Criteria Guide:

  • Examples for teacher aides at different stages of career including entry-level and senior staff
  • Length and formatting guidelines for your resume, cover letter and selection criteria
  • A 3-step process to write EACH CRITERION
  • STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method guide
  • Worksheets to develop your examples
  • Resume, cover letter and selection criteria checklists
Here’s just one (of MANY) included examples for SC1 (use the examples as prompts for your own!):

SC1  Demonstrated capacity to perform duties consistent with established guidelines and frameworks, including coordinating and supporting others in respect to specific work functions relevant to the role.

In my role at Example Primary School, I worked with a student in grade 1 with autism, who also had limited communication skills. This student also had significant anxiety. At the beginning of the school term, the student was so anxious that he often refused to attend school at all. I needed to support the student to engage with his lessons. I implemented support as outlined within his Individual Education Plan to assist him to feel comfortable. For example, I took time to build rapport with the student, focusing on his interests (trains), offering train toys and pictures. I also utilised PECS Communication books and activity schedules to help the student understand what to expect each day. I laminated communication cards and photocopied worksheets, to free the teacher up and enable them more time to teach. I utilised sensory items such as sensory chews, a sand bucket etc. to reduce the child’s anxiety in the classroom.  I worked with his classroom teacher to understand the learning goals of each lesson and to prepare relevant resources. I then assisted to work 1:1 with the student to reiterate simplified learning concepts. By the end of the term, the student was consistently attending school, and was able to participate in the classroom program.

Please contact us on 1300 072 389 with any questions.



7 reviews for Teacher Aide Victoria Key Selection Criteria Responses Examples & Guide

  1. Nakiecha K

    Thank you. I found this to be very informative and helped me with my application…thanks

  2. Lucy H

    Recommend this guide. Especially if you don’t know where to start with these sort of applications (like me!). Helped to understand what sort of info is required, and how to structure everything right.

  3. Helen Jones

    Excellent. Really helped me with my application.

  4. Alison Holmes

    The examples were really helpful. Helped me come up with my own, thanks. Would recommend.

  5. Suossobalet khlok

    This is good

  6. Jim Hughes

    Absolutely invaluable…got the job thanks to this guide!
    Definitely transformed my application journey. Thanks Nicole and team 🙂

  7. Kylie Ryan

    Thank you. This guide did help. It comes in a simple to read Word document and has plenty of examples for what to write. I was daunted by the selection criteria writing process I must admit…;I’m glad I found this as I feel there is a lack of info out there on these applications and the panels are very strict. Well, I did get the job so I’d say money well spent!!

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