Writing Your Selection Criteria Response Teaching Victoria

Last Updated, 15 April 2024
Written by <a href="https://www.resumestoimpress.com.au/career-resources/author/nic/" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

Writing Your Selection Criteria Response Teaching Victoria

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Examples, Writing Advice

Writing selection criteria for your teaching application with the Victorian Department of Education can be daunting. Unfortunately, the department provides little guidance on what is required in your application! Many applicants underestimate the level of complexity that these applications demand (read our comprehensive introduction to selection criteria in general).

We have helped hundreds of teachers write their applications successfully. Read on to learn a summary of our tips for writing your selection criteria response teaching Victoria.

Are you looking for a step-by-step resource? Check out our comprehensive guide:

What are the Key Selection Criteria for Teaching Victoria?

When applying for teaching positions in Victoria, it’s essential to address the specific selection criteria outlined by the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET). While specific key selection criteria may vary depending on the role and level of the position, the common key selection criteria for Victoria teaching roles are:

SC1. Demonstrated knowledge of the relevant curriculum, including the ability to incorporate the teaching of literacy and numeracy skills. Demonstrated experience in responding to student learning needs.

SC2. Demonstrated experience in planning for and implementing high impact teaching strategies, guided by how students learn, and evaluating the impact of learning and teaching programs on student learning growth. 

SC3. Demonstrated experience in monitoring and assessing student learning. Demonstrated experience in using data to inform teaching practice and providing feedback on student learning growth and achievement to students and parents.

SC4. Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills. Demonstrated experience in establishing and maintaining collaborative relationships with students, parents, colleagues and the broader school community to support student learning, agency, wellbeing and engagement.

​SC5. Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching.

Note other states have very different requirements. Check out our WA teaching guides.

How Long Should Selection Criteria Be for Teaching Applications?

In Victoria, it is usually expected that your selection criteria teaching response should be a length of ¾ to 1 page for every selection criterion. This is not always the case, and you may wish to contact the contact person listed on the job ad to confirm.

How Do You Respond to Teaching Selection Criteria?

We recommend you respond to Victorian teaching selection criteria by structuring each response into three paragraphs, as follows:

  • Paragraph 1: Your understanding of the criterion (this should reflect your own beliefs)
  • Paragraph 2: Concrete examples of how you demonstrate the requirements (use the STAR method, outlined below). You may have multiple examples per criterion.
  • Paragraph 3: How you plan to demonstrate the criteria in the school/role you are applying for (this requires research into the specific school’s programs, values etc.).

The STAR Method

The STAR Method is an easy way to structure each of your examples.  It goes like this:

Situation: What role were you in? When? Be as specific as possible. Reference the school, what year/ subject you taught/ when it occurred.

Task: Describe what you needed to do. You may like to link back to frameworks here.

Action: What did you actually do? Be specific. Highlight what you PERSONALLY did.

Result: What was the result of your actions? How did your intervention/ action improve things/ resolve the issue? Results can include enhanced student outcomes, school operations etc.

Selection Criteria Response Example

Here is a teaching selection criteria response example for criterion 5:

SC5. Demonstrated behaviours and attitudes consistent with Department values. Demonstrated experience in reflecting upon practice and engaging in professional learning to continually improve the quality of teaching.

As a teacher, I understand the powerful impact I can have on the lives of individual students. I am eager to ensure this impact is positive, and ensure I am guided by the Department of Education’s values of Responsiveness, Integrity, Impartiality, Accountability, Respect, Leadership and Human Rights. I endeavour to provide high quality services, report unethical behaviour, act fairly, use work resources responsibly, treat others considerately, help colleagues be accountable and work to ensure everyone can be involved. I actively reflect upon my own practice and demonstrate a consistent commitment to improve.

For example:

  • In my placement at Example Primary School, I worked closely with the Educational Support staff and was able to implement a range of important strategies in my own work following observing them with students with disabilities. For example, I noticed students were given frequent sensory breaks. Non-verbal students were provided with augmented and alternative communication (AAC) devices to assist with their communication. I was able to utilise these strategies in my own work with students with disabilities which has helped me cater to their individual needs. This has ensured I uphold DET’s value of Human Rights, ensuring everyone can be involved, regardless of their circumstances.

Note that this is just one example, and you will likely need to include multiple examples within each response. Would you like access to FULL RESPONSES for EVERY common key selection criterion in Victorian teaching applications (as outlined above)?

We hope this information has helped you to understand what’s required in writing your selection criteria response Teaching Victoria. By following the guidelines outlined and providing strong examples from your experience, you can craft a standout response that showcases your suitability for the role.

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