QPS Application Example | AO3 Administration Officer

Last Updated, 8 October 2021
Written by <a href="https://www.resumestoimpress.com.au/career-resources/author/nic/" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

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QPS Application Example | AO3 Administration Officer

by | Oct 8, 2021 | Examples

AO3 Administration Officer roles are highly competitive. In most cases, these will require a 2-page written statement addressing the selection criteria outlined under the ‘Are you the right person for the job?’ section, whilst also taking into account the stated ‘Key Accountabilities’.  It is important to use specific examples to support your statements, as required by selection criteria applications.

Here is a snippet of a QPS AO3 Administration Officer application letter example:

Dear Ms. XXXX and Selection Panel,

I wish to apply for the position of AO3 Administration Officer (QLD/3XXXX) with the Queensland Police Service. I have 8 years’ experience maintaining sensitive data within the Queensland Police Service and have also assisted in the development, implementation and maintenance of administrative systems and information management procedures. I am confident my strengths, qualifications and experience are highly relevant to this role, as follows:


In my current role as Information Support Officer with QPS, whilst reviewing data in QPRIME, I identified multiple person/address records with attached warnings that data had been duplicated. I realised that the mobile device iPad programme which operational Police were utilising had been resulting in these duplications.  This posed a significant risk to front line police, since they may have accessed an outdated duplicate record.  I took this critical information to my manager, highlighting the immediate risk this posed to front line police.  I requested to manage this responsibility to fix these records as a matter of urgency. I developed a search function to locate all of these records and methodically checked and electronically merged them to create a primary record. I created a task management system, to record all my corrections for audit purposes.  As a result, officer safety and efficiency were improved, as during interactions with a client there is now only one primary record to review to notify of any pressing risks.

(Please note this is only a snippet of the actual applications and that additional examples and detail would be required to address this section).


My extensive knowledge of legislation and QPRIME and how it relates to exhibit management was identified by the District Training and Education Office (DETO).  I was requested to implement education sessions to first year police officers (FYCs) on this matter. I structured the training to basic exhibit management and FYCs were not provided with unnecessary and confusing information. I provided hands on demonstrations, and information on legislation implications regarding exhibits in police custody, examples of best practice and engaged in question-and-answer sessions to ensure the message was received clearly. After the training I met with DETO to discuss how they felt this education session went. Feedback was very positive.  They requested this to continue with all new FYCs coming into the station for education and introduced other areas that could implement the same processes.

(Please note this is only a snippet of the actual applications and that additional examples and detail would be required to address this section).


In my role as Perinatal Data Operator with Southland District Health Board, while a new nationwide vaccination data capture process was implemented, recording birth and vaccination details while an inpatient needed to be extracted electronically and uploaded to the National Immunisation Register and GP for follow up.  It was imperative the process be accurate to ensure Medical Practitioners received accurate information relating to vaccinations given and still outstanding for follow up. I took the initiative to work closely with the National Immunisation Coordinators to implement new strategies to ensure data extracted from the patient management system was accurate. 

First, I met with these staff to ensure were understood the brief and data requirements, and to determine how I could align my role in how the correct data was extracted. We discussed data fields that were required to be populated and the requirement for IT to be a part of the conversation moving forward, as new medical providers or vaccinations were introduced, we needed the system updated with any new data sets and as a team we needed to approach IT to implement any changes. I then ran the test environment to understand the process and identify any errors or potential issues before the go live date. I sought the Coordinators’ involvement to ensure the extracted files appeared in their test environment. We then met to review the outcomes, discussed missing data and how to risk manage potential issues and errors. After the go live date, I introduced risk management audit processes daily to ensure all data was accurate and if there were any issues, I communicated directly with the coordinators to resolve it. This resulted in 100% accuracy data capture. Feedback was provided to the National Immunisation Coordinator while attending National Conference, and it was recommended that this process be implemented within other Health boards.

(Please note this is only a snippet of the actual AO3 Administration Officer application and that additional examples and detail would be required to address this section).

Nicole Wren

Nicole Wren

Senior Writer

Nicole is the principal resume writer at Resumes to Impress. Nicole loves writing and sharing her knowledge about all things job hunting and career guidance.

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